ChessDB specific links
- Summary page on Sourceforge
- Download of stable releases
- Download of alpha/beta releases for testing - not suitable for most users
- Extra files - useful, but not essential
- CVS repositry - for the very latest code. This should always build properly, but there may be the occasional problem, especially if your langage is not English, as sometimes the files will be updated without the lanaguage files being changed.
- Mailing list archives
- Link to register to join the mailing list.
- Bug list on Sourceforge site - submit any bugs you find there, in addition to the mailing list
- Feature requests - submit yours requests here, in addition to the mailing list.
Useful links, not directly related to ChessDB
- Scid homepage
- Dann Corbit's junkbase has a large Scid database. This will be easier to download than a PGN file with a similar number of games.
- ICOfY Base - a free collection of chess games for download.
- Chess Tactics Server is an ideal way to improve tactics. You get a rating which goes up/down, depending on how good you are.
- Chess Circle Online games, sales, forums, reviews etc
Website administered by Dr. David Kirkby
This page was last modified: September 16, 2007. 10:41:20 am GMT