The File Finder helps you find files of any type you can use in ChessDB: databases, PGN files, EPD files, and repertoire files.
The finder shows useful information about each file, such as its size (see below) and date of last modification. You can open any displayed file by selecting it with a single left mouse button click.
When you want to find all files in all subdirectories of the current directory, turn on the Look in subdirectories checkbox. This will make ChessDB recursively examine every subdirectory for files that can be opened in ChessDB. This can take a long time if there are many subdirectories, so you may not want to do it for a directory near the root of the file system. You can interrupt the file search by pressing the Stop button.
The meaning of a file size displayed by the finder depends on the file type. For ChessDB databases and PGN files, it is the number of games. For EPD files, it is the number of positions. For repertoire files, it is the number of (include or exclude) lines.
For all file types except ChessDB databases, the file size is an estimate taken by examining only the first 64 kilobytes of the file, so the size may not be correct for files larger than 64 kb. Estimate sizes are shown with a tilde (~) to show they are not exact.