Standard NAG values
Standard NAG (Numeric Annotation Symbol) values defined in the
PGN standard are:
- 1 Good move (!)
- 2 Poor move (?)
- 3 Excellent move (!!)
- 4 Blunder (??)
- 5 Interesting move (!?)
- 6 Dubious move (?!)
- 7 Forced move
- 8 Singular move; no reasonable alternatives
- 9 Worst move
- 10 Drawish position (=)
- 11 Equal chances, quiet position (=)
- 12 Equal chances, active position (=)
- 13 Unclear position (~)
- 14 White has a slight advantage (+=)
- 15 Black has a slight advantage (=+)
- 16 White has a moderate advantage (+/-)
- 17 Black has a moderate advantage (-/+)
- 18 White has a decisive advantage (+-)
- 19 Black has a decisive advantage (-+)
- 20 White has a crushing advantage (+-)
- 21 Black has a crushing advantage (-+)
- 22 White is in zugzwang
- 23 Black is in zugzwang
- 24 White has a slight space advantage
- 25 Black has a slight space advantage
- 26 White has a moderate space advantage
- 27 Black has a moderate space advantage
- 28 White has a decisive space advantage
- 29 Black has a decisive space advantage
- 30 White has a slight time (development) advantage
- 31 Black has a slight time (development) advantage
- 32 White has a moderate time (development) advantage
- 33 Black has a moderate time (development) advantage
- 34 White has a decisive time (development) advantage
- 35 Black has a decisive time (development) advantage
- 36 White has the initiative
- 37 Black has the initiative
- 38 White has a lasting initiative
- 39 Black has a lasting initiative
- 40 White has the attack
- 41 Black has the attack
- 42 White has insufficient compensation for material deficit
- 43 Black has insufficient compensation for material deficit
- 44 White has sufficient compensation for material deficit
- 45 Black has sufficient compensation for material deficit
- 46 White has more than adequate compensation for material deficit
- 47 Black has more than adequate compensation for material deficit
- 48 White has a slight center control advantage
- 49 Black has a slight center control advantage
- 50 White has a moderate center control advantage
- 51 Black has a moderate center control advantage
- 52 White has a decisive center control advantage
- 53 Black has a decisive center control advantage
- 54 White has a slight kingside control advantage
- 55 Black has a slight kingside control advantage
- 56 White has a moderate kingside control advantage
- 57 Black has a moderate kingside control advantage
- 58 White has a decisive kingside control advantage
- 59 Black has a decisive kingside control advantage
- 60 White has a slight queenside control advantage
- 61 Black has a slight queenside control advantage
- 62 White has a moderate queenside control advantage
- 63 Black has a moderate queenside control advantage
- 64 White has a decisive queenside control advantage
- 65 Black has a decisive queenside control advantage
- 66 White has a vulnerable first rank
- 67 Black has a vulnerable first rank
- 68 White has a well protected first rank
- 69 Black has a well protected first rank
- 70 White has a poorly protected king
- 71 Black has a poorly protected king
- 72 White has a well protected king
- 73 Black has a well protected king
- 74 White has a poorly placed king
- 75 Black has a poorly placed king
- 76 White has a well placed king
- 77 Black has a well placed king
- 78 White has a very weak pawn structure
- 79 Black has a very weak pawn structure
- 80 White has a moderately weak pawn structure
- 81 Black has a moderately weak pawn structure
- 82 White has a moderately strong pawn structure
- 83 Black has a moderately strong pawn structure
- 84 White has a very strong pawn structure
- 85 Black has a very strong pawn structure
- 86 White has poor knight placement
- 87 Black has poor knight placement
- 88 White has good knight placement
- 89 Black has good knight placement
- 90 White has poor bishop placement
- 91 Black has poor bishop placement
- 92 White has good bishop placement
- 93 Black has good bishop placement
- 94 White has poor rook placement
- 95 Black has poor rook placement
- 96 White has good rook placement
- 97 Black has good rook placement
- 98 White has poor queen placement
- 99 Black has poor queen placement
- 100 White has good queen placement
- 101 Black has good queen placement
- 102 White has poor piece coordination
- 103 Black has poor piece coordination
- 104 White has good piece coordination
- 105 Black has good piece coordination
- 106 White has played the opening very poorly
- 107 Black has played the opening very poorly
- 108 White has played the opening poorly
- 109 Black has played the opening poorly
- 110 White has played the opening well
- 111 Black has played the opening well
- 112 White has played the opening very well
- 113 Black has played the opening very well
- 114 White has played the middlegame very poorly
- 115 Black has played the middlegame very poorly
- 116 White has played the middlegame poorly
- 117 Black has played the middlegame poorly
- 118 White has played the middlegame well
- 119 Black has played the middlegame well
- 120 White has played the middlegame very well
- 121 Black has played the middlegame very well
- 122 White has played the ending very poorly
- 123 Black has played the ending very poorly
- 124 White has played the ending poorly
- 125 Black has played the ending poorly
- 126 White has played the ending well
- 127 Black has played the ending well
- 128 White has played the ending very well
- 129 Black has played the ending very well
- 130 White has slight counterplay
- 131 Black has slight counterplay
- 132 White has moderate counterplay
- 133 Black has moderate counterplay
- 134 White has decisive counterplay
- 135 Black has decisive counterplay
- 136 White has moderate time control pressure
- 137 Black has moderate time control pressure
- 138 White has severe time control pressure
- 139 Black has severe time control pressure
Other proposed NAG values for Chess Informant publication symbols include:
- 140 With the idea ...
- 141 Aimed against ...
- 142 Better move
- 143 Worse move
- 144 Equivalent move
- 145 Editor's Remark ("RR")
- 146 Novelty ("N")
- 147 Weak point
- 148 Endgame
- 149 Line
- 150 Diagonal
- 151 White has a pair of Bishops
- 152 Black has a pair of Bishops
- 153 Bishops of opposite color
- 154 Bishops of same color
Other suggested values are:
- 190 Etc.
- 191 Doubled pawns
- 192 Isolated pawn
- 193 Connected pawns
- 194 Hanging pawns
- 195 Backwards pawn
Symbols defined by ChessDB for its own use are:
- 201 Diagram ("D", sometimes denoted "#")
(Updated: ChessDB 2.5, June 2001)