7.6: Tournament Finder

The Tournament Finder lets you find tournaments in the current database. It scans all the database games and collates data about the tournaments found. Note that two games are considered to be in the same tournament if they have the same Event tag, same Site tag and were played within three months of each other.
You can limit the list of tournaments by the number of players and games, date, mean Elo rating and country, by editing the fields below the tournament list and then pressing the Update button.
The displayed list can be sorted by date, number of players, number of games, mean Elo rating, site, event or the surname of the winner. Select the category from the [Sort] menu or click on a column title to change the sort field.
To load the first game of any displayed tournament, just click the left mouse button when its line is highlighted. This will also update the Crosstable window if it is open. If you press the right mouse button instead, the game will be loaded and the Crosstable window will be opened even if it is closed.
To speed up the tournament searching process, it is a good idea to set a fairly small date range (like a few years at most) or select a particular country (by its three-letter standard code). Doing these will greatly reduce the number of games ChessDB has to consider when trying to form tournaments out of the games in the database.
If you would like to contribute to the tutorial or see anything that should be updated, corrected or improved, please contact David Kirkby. But please note David only speaks English.
Website administered by Dr. David Kirkby
This page was last modified: September 16, 2007. 10:41:41 am GMT